Sponsored the 20th Anniversary celebrations of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary and pledged continued support from the Ruparelia Foundation for 20 years in the sustainability of Ngamba through the Chimpanzee Trust .

Took 3 boys off the street aged 13-19 years. Enrolled them back in school. The boys had dropped out of school due to lack of school fees and had opted to sell chewing gum.

Partnered with Elizabeth House – a centre for special needs children to provide the disabled youth and children with shelter, a balanced diet and equipment like wheel chairs, commodes, walkers, among others. This to improve their wellbeing and make them more self-sufficient.

21st – 23rd August, the foundation organized a free eye camp. 4,032 people were screened country wide, 2,207 patients registered, 422 patients received reading glasses, 275 patients had cataract surgeries, and 180 patients received prescribed glasses.

Made a financial contribution to The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust Fund for the support of charitable projects in countries across common wealth.

On 18th/Feb/2013, the Foundation attained its certificate of registration

Dr. and Mrs. Sudhir Ruparelia established Ruparelia Foundation in 2012 on a simple belief that we can achieve a lot when we work together.